Guided Meditations

Monday, May 31, 2004

Guided Meditations - Earth & Cosmic Energy

About Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is a very individual practice. Anything written here is meant as a point of departure for people to find their own way, toward what works best for them.

In my opinion, there is not "one way" that is better than any other. It often occurs to me that whenever I say "I know" something, I am instantly reminded that in my "knowingness," I have closed the door on further insight toward a deeper understanding.

Be mindful that it may be true that "there is no such thing as a free lunch." While the meditation has benefits there may also be a price to pay. Even increased awareness and good health may require a reciprocal response, in the form of higher consciousness, more dedicated activism or increased sensitivity to the global condition.

Earth & Cosmic Energy Meditation
"Washed in rivers of healing light."

This is a healing mediation that can be done sitting, standing or lying down. As with many things, the more frequently you do this, the more effortless and effective it is.

I prefer to lay on a padded surface, or on soft grass, with my eyes closed, visualizing the life energy emmanating from my body as light. It helps to breath deeply and visualize the effect of breathing on energy.

To begin, direct your thoughts inside, giving attention to every cell of your body, starting with the tips of your toes, traveling up to the top of your head. Make contact with the energy in every cell, breathing deeply, seeing and feeling the energizing effects in whatever way you can. Be aware of what your body tells you, feeling the energy flowing easily or feeling blocked. Try breathing energy through the blocked areas, in a gentle way. Don't try to force or control what happens, if your thoughts stray or you feel blocked in some way, be kind with yourself, as you would with a well-loved child.

After you have made contact with your life energy, gently send it down into the Earth on beams of light emmanating from the bottoms of your feet. See it traveling down through the layers of the building you're in, through the various strata of the Earth, down, down, down through molten lava, to the center of the Earth. Take your time, or not, it is up to you what works best. For me, the more I do this, the quicker I am able to reach the center of the earth with my life energy. Visualize your "grounding chords" moving with your conscious breathing.

At the center of the planet, there is a "grounding spot" for each of us, that is ours and no one else's. Here you may connect with the Earth in a very personal way, giving the Earth your energetic intention for peace, love, gratitude, whatever you feel toward the Earth you may 'color your energy' with.Breath this toward your grounding spot for as long as you wish.

In return you may visualize the Earth responding by sending precious, healing, Earth energy up your "grounding chords" of light, the Earth energy flowing up toward you from the center of the Earth. Earth energy is abundant and healing. It is a wave of gentle warmth that feels like the love we all seek. Our Mother the Earth is there, waiting to give this to us. All we need do is direct our awareness toward Her.

As the Earth energy reaches your feet, it enters your body gently, warmly, traveling up through every cell, filling you with light, healing energy. Balance, love, and health fill every cell of your body, pushing out the unwanted illness, imbalance, anger negativity, fear, whatever you don't want to keep inside of you. The Earth energy washes through you cleansing your body and your spirit. Visualize this happening through your feet, your ankles, your shins and calves, your knees, your thighs, up,up, up until the energy reaches your first chakra, which is located somewhere just below your navel, about three or four inches.

Feel the warmth spreading, filling, rounding your chakra, overflowing it with light, healing energy, washing through you. Feel the warmth spreading upwards through your internal organs, healing and cleansing every cell of your body. Breath through areas that may feel blocked.

The energy travels further up through your second chakra, just above your navel, filling that chakra with loving, healing energy, flowing like a river of light, from the center of the Earth. The warmth is so comforting, and elation is inevitable. The energy heals every cell as it travels further,spilling into your third chakra, at your solar plexus, rounding, healing...

The Earth energy travels up to your fourth chakra, the heart chakra, filling your heart with warmth and light, rounding your chakra, cleansing every cell and spilling over to move further up your chest, eventually reaching

The fifth chakra, the throat chakra, where we can sometimes feel blockages from words and feelings not expressed, breathing through the Earth energy, clears and opens rounds and heals, spilling over to the

The sixth chakra, the third eye, rounding, healing...then finally,, the Earth energy travels up to

The seventh, the Crown chakra at the top of the head, rounding your chakra and filling it with healing light, that spills out the top of your head, carrying with it all the unwanted pain, fear, illness, regret, all the grief, imbalance and sadness that we've held inside for so long..

You send the Earth energy out on a beam of light, visualizing the river of energy flowing up through your body, traveling to the furthest reaches of the Universe, a gift to the cosmos, where all our "stuff" is composted the raw material of which "Cosmic energy" is made.

This is a very special energy which is given back to you in return for the gift of Earth energy that you have given to the Cosmos, which it needs. As a result, you are gifted with a measure of cosmic energy in just the amount that you need, to enter your crown chakra, and fill it with Cosmic energy, mixing with the Earth energy, rounding and filling your seventh chakra, spilling down through to your sixth chakra, down through every cell of your body to your fifth, then your fourth, through your internal organs, your arms and finger tips, down through your third, and your second, overflowing into your first chakra, and down through your pelvis, your legs your feet, and out the bottoms of you feet, traveling down your grounding chords through the various layers of the Earth, down to the center of the Earth to your grounding spot, where the Cosmic energy is given to the Earth, which is what the Earth needs.

In this way, you are a conduit for Earth energy, flowing up from the center of the Earth, feeding the cosmos with Earth energy, while the cosmic enegy flows down through you, feeding the Earth with cosmic energy. The two energies mix inside of you, healing, cleasing, filling every cell with light and flowing in both directions at the same time.

This is a wonderful state to rest in, feeling the flow in both directions, feeling the healing power of the energies that exist for everyone, accessed by intention, by conscious thought and by gratitude for the abundance that is ours to benefit from if we choose to direct our awareness in a conscious way...


Paul J. von Hartmann
Project P.E.A.C.E.
Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics

Leonard's peaceful nature, his considerable wisdom, dignity, strength and honor are the qualities of a true statesman, not a criminal. The real criminals are in the White House, hiding from Leonard, worried that the character of Natural leaders may be contagious.

Damage done to the integrity of the U.S.. courts
has been absolute, in repeatedly failing to conduct a fair trial for Leonard. Please do all you can to raise people's awareness of our brother's political enprisonment, and effect Leonard's immediate release. He is certainly due generous material reimbursement for the countless, unquantifiable injustices committed against him by America's unobjective, prejudicial and corrupted courts, which lack any pretense to Law, as long as Leonard remains in prison.

If you find value in this meditation, please send energy or practical support to help effect Leonard's release .